Mobile Deposit
It's great to get a check. It's even better when you can deposit it without an extra trip.
We all love snapping photos with our smartphone camera. With just two more clicks — and another step or two — you can fast-track checks into your Everwise accounts.
Deposit checks from anywhere you have wi-fi access.
You'll get a return message letting you know we've received your money.
In most cases, your deposits will be available the next business day.
Whether it's payment from the boss, a customer, or a friend who owes you a few bucks, it takes minimal effort to deposit a check with our free mobile app. On the back of the check, just endorse it as you normally would and below your signature write: "For mobile deposit with Everwise." Click photos of the front and back. Then follow the simple directions within the Deposit a Check tile in our mobile app to send it.
- Save yourself frequent trips to the credit union branch or an ATM
- Works with most personal, business, and government checks
- Money Orders and international checks are not eligible
- Security measures safeguard your financial and personal data
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